Dynamic Balancing

Turbocharger Services 

Rotor Dynamic Balancing 

Our turbocharger workshop is equipped with high precision dynamic balancing machines of the latest technology with a capacity from 0.5kg to 3,000kg and balance grade of  2.5 according to ISO 1940.

We are able to find and adjust any unbalanced matter for any turbocharger Rotor shaft brand and type.

The rotation of a body creates centrifugal forces at each component of its mass. The forces that are applied are radial and perpendicular to the axis of rotation. If the mass distribution of the body is symmetrical around the rotation axis, then the resultant of the centrifugal forces of the differential masses is zeroed; however, due, principally, to repair defects, there is still some small asymmetry in the mass distribution. This effect is called unbalance of the rotating bodies.

Due to this effect, vibrations are caused, that provoke fatigue to the rotor and bearings, reducing thus the service life of the vital components of the engine, and reducing, at the same time, its performance and increasing its noise. In the long term, these vibrations can cause serious damage.

The various types of unbalance are:

  • Static Unbalance
  • Couple Unbalance
  • Semi-Static Unbalance
  • Dynamic Unbalance

The unbalance can be fixed only through the dynamic balancing procedure. This means that, before the beginning of the balancing procedure, it must be ascertained that the unbalance is due to the high amplitude of oscillations and not to other problems, as, for example, misalignment, eccentric rotor, curved shaft, resonance, mechanical looseness, etc. This is effectively achieved, by the Harmonic Vibration Analysis while obtaining simultaneously the Phase of the first harmonic, which is performed under the operating conditions of the engine, on the spot.